You need a website

In the 21st century a business without a website is a business without signage. Your business may as well not exist if it doesn’t have an internet presence. Here are some reasons why you should have your own website.


"I have a facebook page, youtube, instagram other social media, why do I need my own website?” A website is your own place in digital cyber space. Social media sites control what you can do. With your own website you have your very own space, personalised to you and your business.

Customisable You want your website to look different to your competitors and other websites. Something that is easily done when you own your website; especially compared to using a service like Wordpress or Squarespace.

Cheaper Other service providers typically have monthly or yearly fees associated with hosting your website. They may provide unnecessary services that you still have to pay for. When hosting your own site you can hunt for the best prices without paying a middleman.

Ownership When you have your own website, you should actually own the code. This way you are not beholden to the company or individual that is hosting your website. You should be free to pick and choose who has access to & maintains your website.

Credibility A business without a website can look sketchy, as can one with a very old or broken website. In the 21st century, your potential customers are very likely to search and find your business online. A professional looking website that works on smart devices goes a long to establish credibility in the eyes of future customers.

What you get

Your own basic website hosted for free*

Your Codebase. Without the code, you don’t actually own your website!

A fully customisable, mobile friendly website, tailored to suit your needs

What to bring

A GitHub account (free to make), a domain and some pictures, that’s it! I can handle the rest. If you need an extra fancy design, I can connect you to my favourite designer!

Tech Stack

Built with industry standard & cutting edge tech, your website will be: mobile friendly, fast to load, easy to maintain, resilient, reliable, and accessible.